7 Different Ways You Can Use a Central Florida Screen Enclosure
Orlando residents can enjoy outdoor activities pretty much year-round using a screen enclosure. Yes, there are a few days where the temperature is too cool but most of the time a light jacket and you can continue your outdoor activities all year long and a screen enclosure can help you. Looking for ways to use a screen enclosure that will allow you to enjoy the outdoors?
We have 7 different ways an Orlando screen enclosure can help you this year.
- Enjoy the outdoors without the sunburn. You can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about dangerous UV rays from the sun drying your skin or increasing the risk of skin cancer. You should still put sunscreen on even if you are in a screen enclosed room. You may need to walk outside to get the mail or pick up some yard debris, so it is better to protect your skin even if you think it is only a minute or two.
- Enjoy meals outside. With a screen-enclosed outdoor kitchen, you can enjoy family and friends while you cook. Eat dinner outside without worrying about bugs or bug sprays that contain harmful chemicals.
- It’s a great place to read a book in the shade and bug-free. You can get lost in your book without worrying about how many bug bites you will have with an enclosed screen room. You will not be distracted worrying about what is crawling on you or swatting flies or bees away. For people allergic to bees, a screen room or enclosure is a great advantage to enjoying the outdoors.
- Pets such as dogs, birds, and others will be able to enjoy the shade while outdoors and not get into trouble. You will not have to worry that they run off or get hit by a vehicle.
- It’s a fantastic place for exercise such as yoga. You can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature while exercising and centering yourself.
- Keep out dangerous wildlife like snakes, spiders, alligators and bees.
- Lessen the cleaning necessary. Leaves and other debris will not blow into the screen enclosure or screen room.
These are just 7 ways you can enjoy Central Florida screen rooms.
You can probably come up with many more ways to enjoy the outdoors with an Orlando screen enclosure.
Are you ready to explore ways to enhance your space? Visit our screen enclosures and screen rooms to help you decide what options you would like.