How to Use Your Fire Pit for Meditation

Easy ways to use your fire pit to explore mindfulness and meditation

There are so many benefits to meditation. Meditation improves stress management, brain development, increases focus, reduces anxiety and promotes emotional balance.

Many of us know, and enjoy, reading about these benefits but why is it that we don’t always practice even five or ten minutes of meditation a day? Meditation can be a small act yet an extremely powerful, some would go further and say essential, part of your day. The beautiful part: we can make this moment our very own. Your fire pit in your Central Florida home can be the perfect place to begin.

Here are a few easy ways to get you started:


Start with a mindfulness practice by the fire. As you light up the fire pit begin by slowing down your attention and being present with what is. Stop and notice the style of your fire pit the shapes and sizes of the objects around the fire. Then begin centering your focus on the fire itself. Let your gaze relax and observe the color changes in the flames, the playful movements, and sounds you might hear. Then move to your other senses. Feel the heat from the flames and simply take in what is around you. Mindfulness practice helps us develop stronger focus and as a result reduces anxiety.


As you practice mindfulness by the fire, move to focusing on your breath. At times, you might feel, and we all do, that it might be difficult to quiet our minds. By focusing on our inhaling and exhaling we can help train ourselves to go beyond our thoughts and focus inward. While doing this practice we can then practice the art of releasing. Your fire pit is the perfect companion for this practice. Whether you do this mentally or need to write it down on a small piece of paper and physically watch it fade, release what no longer serves you. Use the moments around the fire to inhale deeply and exhale releasing stressful thoughts; letting them fade away into the fire. Know that you can release heaviness through your breathing and relaxation. Allow the generous warmth from the fire to serve as a reminder of the love that exists around us and in us at all times.


As you practice releasing, move in to welcoming the feeling of love, compassion, and kindness. As you breathe out, begin to release stress, breathe in, welcoming in love, compassion and kindness. Welcome in what is and trust that things are working out for your higher good. You can use this welcoming feeling to go further with a special meditation of loving kindness. Begin to think of something easy to wish love and kindness toward; maybe it is your pet or a small child you know, or someone in your family, and simply wish them love and compassion and goodness. Then begin expanding out, and wish your circle of friends the same emotions and thoughts, and keep expanding those thoughts of love, kindness, and compassion out until eventually you wish it for the world.` Let that fire that provides us the warmth be your guide to tap into your warm wishes. Give it a try—it’s worth it.


As your use your fire pit as your spot for implementing meditation in your daily or weekly routine, know that you will get better at it. As you practice being mindful of your surroundings, mindful of your breath, releasing, and welcoming in love, you will begin to have a sense of knowing. What is a sense of knowing? A sense of trust that all is well. This, perhaps, is why some might say meditation—even five minutes, is essential.

This practice can be your own. Remember that wellness practices do not have to be complicated and they can be shared. New ideas on how to implement these practices will come up. Trust them. Think about how you can use your enclosed pool area or fenced in yard to invite some friends over for a small yoga night and end it with some cozy chats by the fire. Meditation and wellness practices are yours to make your very own. They can be fun and feel like a natural part of your life, in fact they should feel that way. Know that your home can be a welcoming safe space to practice these things and you can use your home to help others to do the same.

At US Aluminum we believe in the power you have to make your home space a place where well-being is welcomed and shared. We are here to help you create and transform your spaces into the best place for you. Contact us at US Aluminum to create a space that is perfect for you.

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