How to Use Your Screened Room to Create an Optimal Space for At Home Learning

During these times we have discovered that at home learning has become a reality for many households. With these changes we have all learned to be resilient, flexible, and most importantly, resourceful. There are so many ways we can create a space that is comfortable and quite frankly even inspiring for this new time of at home learning. These changes can be small, like the addition of a new desk or bright rug for a change in style or they can involve some more innovative changes which can look like transforming portions of our homes into brand new learning spaces.

A screened room in your home can be the ideal place for creating an optimal learning space for at home learning in Central Florida.

Making the Most of Natural Lighting: Natural lighting is a key factor in workspace wellness. This is true for traditional offices and educational spaces as well as indoor home office spaces. Access to windows and natural lighting help create a space that is calm, refreshing, and overall healthy. Natural lighting helps keep us in touch with the body’s biological clock, the ability to walk around promotes freedom and free thinking, and the fresh air can contribute to better creative thinking and learning retention. A space that is oftentimes overlooked is our screened rooms. These spaces in our homes are versatile spaces that can be used to create an atmosphere of well-being in any at home learning space. With a little innovation, creativity and personalization, your screened room can be the optimal space for learning. Natural lighting is the first step to creating a space that is optimal for learning and your screened room is one of the best places to access natural lighting.

Desks: In order to create an optimal at home learning space, there should be a designated space for focusing on the tasks at hand. For many of us, a proper desk or table with a clear space for a digital device and a writing area will do the trick. To make the most of your screened room space, create a clean table space with seating that is appropriate for the age of your learner in order to provide the best support for successfully learning. This space can look like an area with a full desk with shelves, a special chair, and all of the office trinkets, or it can simply look like a clean table area with a nice chair, perhaps small baskets for books and backpacks, and space to place the digital equipment. The important part is that the space is an area the young learner identifies, is clear of clutter, and promotes focus. For many learners, an outdoor space is an ideal space to assist in the learning process.

Power Breaks: Many of us have read that Zoom-fatigue is a real thing. Studies have shown that young learners benefit from small breaks throughout the day, and now with digital learning that is even more of a necessity. Setting up an at-home learning space in your screened room is an innovative way to allow for much needed power-breaks throughout the day. Whether this just means stretching and grabbing a drink of water or all-out jumping jacks to release energy, your screened room is the perfect space for power-breaks throughout the workday. Your pets can even join in on your breaks or even in long lectures or meetings while you are in your screened room. There are indeed many perks to at-home learning spaces.

Snack Access: Some of the most successful co-working spaces have this secret down. Snacks, good snacks, are one of the key ingredients to workspace happiness. This rings true for your at-home learning environment and workspace. Whether your screened room includes access to a beautiful outdoor kitchen or not, having a variety of healthy and fun snacks and beverages can help keep learners and workers energized and engaged throughout the day. Consider having a fun snack area with baskets and bins for organized, quick access to favorite snacks. Snack ideas can include easy to peel mandarin oranges for a quick sweet treat and dose of vitamin C, bananas which can be quickly converted into banana bread if they linger in the snack bin too long, as well as classic favorite snacks which you can choose on a weekly basis to add to the fun of at-home learning. Flavored water and coconut water are also fun options to have handy for healthy hydration throughout the day.

Honoring Differences

Realizing that each at-home learner and worker regardless of age, is unique and has different needs in order to thrive throughout the day. These needs can change daily and the beauty of having a home with unique spaces is that these spaces can support our needs if we allow them to do so through creativity. Through implementing classic productivity tricks like clear desk space, bins and baskets for books and snacks, and breathing fresh air we can be sure that our at-home learning space will have a proper foundation. With new additions like fun snacks and snack traditions, power-breaks throughout the day, and a freedom to express new ideas in new spaces, we can optimize our learning space and create a sense of freedom and well-being throughout the day which all contribute to the essence of learning.

Screen enclosures are a great way to expand your home living space and optimize your time outdoors. They provide access to the fresh air while creating a space that is welcoming and versatile for your daily needs. We are here to help you create a screen enclosure that fits your needs. The possibilities for outdoor living spaces and kitchens are endless. U.S. Aluminum is here to help you create the best space for everyone, contact U.S. Aluminum at 1-407-706-4017.


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