Not All Screens Keep The Bugs Out, Does Yours?
Florida is a tropical location which means it is alive with thriving insects that call the state home year-round. Sadly, you might mistakenly think that Central Florida screen rooms are all the same. However, this is not true. Not all screens keep bugs out so you must make sure yours hold up to the insect onslaught.
Bugs can Chew Through Screens
Bugs chew to feed on fibrous plants, combat other insect predators, and tear up their prey/enemies. Tiny insects come equipped with jaws of steel. They can chew through a Florida screen enclosure with minimal effort because they possess the jaw power needed to tear up fibrous roots and consume them.
Insects to Worry About Chewing Through Screen
One thing that Florida has is a thriving insect population. Here is a list of just a few insects that can easily chew through any Orlando screen rooms:
- Grasshoppers: Grasshoppers make an appearance in the last summer and fall months. At night they move close to homes because they are attracted by the light. If you enjoy a late-night swim or lounging in your Orlando pool screen enclosure then these hoppers might come closer in an attempt to get near the light. However, they will start chewing on the screen if it obstructs their path.
- Crickets: Who doesn’t love the sound of crickets chirping on a warm night. However, beware because they can easily chew through a screen.
- Wasps: Wasps chew through the wood but they can also gnaw their way through a screen with ease.
A Quality Screen Room Can Stand up to Insects
As a Floridian, you might feel depressed at the thought that insects might chew through your pool screen but do not despair because you can have a nice enclosure without worrying about insects. At U.S. Aluminum, our screen rooms are made from only quality material and durable screen that can stand up to even the most voracious and fierce insect attack. We know Florida and we understand what it takes to build a quality enclosure that will last. Only quality materials go into your pool enclosures. Also, we offer the best-backed warranty in the market.
If you are thinking about adding a screen room and don’t want to worry about an onslaught from insects then it is time to call the experts at U.S. Aluminum.