Three Classic Backyard Games To Play In Your Outdoor Living Space This Autumn

The Central Florida lifestyle is so much fun because during nearly every single month of the year we can find new ways to have fun outdoors. Whether we are grilling with friends, jumping in our pools to cool off, or hanging out planting a garden, we can find something fun to do outside throughout the year. This autumn season we dug out three classic backyard games to play in your outdoor living space that all ages will enjoy.


A classic southern staple that absolutely cannot be missed. Cornhole is an easy to set up and take care of game that involves focus and fun and can be taken seriously or simply used as a fun tool to create a relaxing environment to chit chat around. Did you know that cornhole is actually so popular they have a national cornhole league? If you’re serious about everything you do, then this game is perfect to set up in the backyard. We’ll cheer for you!


If you want to get spooky with this classic, say it is a mummy jumping game. Whether you remember this game from classic scenes from the Brady Bunch or you’re brand new to this, this is another easy to implement game that involves jumping to the end of the line with a potato bag. If you haven’t set up your home gym under the pergola or in your sunroom, guarantee some cardio with this classic.


Another fun and easy to create game for your backyard this season is the old school game of horseshoe. Similar to cornhole in the concept of aiming one object into a target, this game can be enjoyed by all ages and is a nice game for guests. If you have to add an autumn touch, use pumpkins as the objects to catch the horseshoe.

Creating spaces to create memories and style is our ultimate goal. To begin creating and implementing your new home project, Contact U.S. Aluminum at 407-237-3128.

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