Wellness Essentials for Your Pool Enclosure Area
Six additions that will help you stay healthy this summer.
Summer is here in Central Florida and what better place to thrive than in your pool area. Whether you have a screen enclosed pool area or currently dreaming of your outdoor space, wellness is at your fingertips. We’re here to help inspire you to have a summer filled with wellness activities with these six tips:
1.) Access to the Sun: Whether you have a fenced in backyard with an open pool concept or a screen enclosure around your pool, the first step to wellness is access to natural sunlight. This begins with ensuring that your outdoor space is one that you enjoy. Having a pool is one of the best ways to have constant access to two of the most healing properties around: water and sunlight. Our pools can provide the space to relax as well as increase cardiovascular and lung health. Pools provide a space to float and simply enjoy the day and they can also be the best place to swim which improves lung capacity, and exercise without being too harsh on the joints.
2.) Pool Weights: These inexpensive accessories for the pool can be one of the greatest investments regardless of your fitness level. Practicing movements in water with pool weights is an excellent way to slowly build and work your muscles without putting too much pressure on your joints. Whether you are a weights enthusiast or not, pool weights are a great way to get your body moving without too much pressure.
3.) Water Jogging Belt: These lightweight belts are designed to help keep you afloat when doing water aerobics and when water jogging. Why do your afternoon jogs in the pool rather than outside. A key part of wellbeing is seeing the positive side of things so let’s look at this gorgeous sunny summer weather and turn it into an opportunity for wellness. Longer hours of sunlight and access to a pool can really mean new low impact ways of getting good cardio in on a daily basis. Water jogging can increase cardiovascular health, improve posture, and build strength. Investing in a water jogging belt is great for you and any of your guests that want to get a little bit of exercise right at home.
4.) Speakers: Studies reveal that music has tremendous benefits to health and well-being. When thinking about the two recommendations above, music has been proven to improve exercise, increase performance and boost mental stimulation. Having music to your liking around can also improve your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and provide comfort.
5.) Seating: Nice seating arrangements near your pool area is most certainly a factor in wellness. Whether you are looking for the perfect summer reading spot, or you want to take a break after your pool workout, having chairs and lounge equipment that you enjoy and identify with are simple yet strong ways to add daily pleasure and a sense of peace to your day. Having a seat outside that you like can even transform that long conference call into a somewhat more delightful experience just by having a special spot to lounge on and breathe fresh air. Grab some iced tea and take the call outside, why not. You are in charge of your wellness. You make the rules.
6.) Fresh Greenery: Maybe your outside area around your pool is covered in grass, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, access to visual green is a must. Whether this is stepping on grass barefoot for a few minutes to reenergize your body and connect yourself with mother nature or simply having some natural plants around, having access to plants helps improve your overall wellbeing. A fresh fern, a palm tree, birds of paradise, or even some fresh aloe can do the trick. Your pool area plants are the perfect touch for added wellness.
Every single day is a new day to get in touch with ourselves and the world around us. Having a space that helps you cultivate wellness not only for yourself but for everyone that visits your space, is a priceless catalyst to a life well-lived. It is said, that when we prioritize taking care of ourselves and our well-being, we are helping others realize it is ok to do the same. We are here to help you make your home the best place to live and welcome others. Whether you are looking to build a screen enclosure or a fenced in backyard, we can help you bring your ideas to fruition. Contact us today to get started.